The Malankara Syrian Catholic Church
The Eparchy of St Ephrem, Khadki-Pune
We cordially welcome you all to transform oneself into Christ inorder to realize oneself in the light of the omnipotent
NHMS is the Minor Seminary of the Eparchy of St Ephrem, Khadki-Pune. It was inaugurated on 18 June 2016 by His Excellency Bishop Thomas Mar Anthonios in the presence of Very Rev. Fr. Malcolm Sequeira, the vicar general of the diocese of Pune, Very Rev Fr. Varghese Mattamana, Rev. Fr. Varghese Kaithon, the procurator of the exarchate, Rev Fathers from different parishes, Rev. Sisters, the pastoral council members and Parishioners.
A year of pandemic leaves behind its footprints on our onward journey of life. The year was challenging. History will have its own descriptions for the future generations! The Nirmal Hriday Minor Seminary of the Eparchy of St Ephrem Khadki-Pune will have its own narrative for the future generation. But it is certainly a narrative of hope and gratitude, of loving divine providence and protection of the Nirmal Hriday of Jesus and the Pavana Hriday of His Mother Mary.
Contact US
Nirmal Hriday Minor Seminary, Vishwadeep CO.OP.Society,Reeswadi,P.O. Mohpada
Mumbai-Pune Express High Way
Maharashtra - 410 222 | Tel: 9605205077